
Sunday Jan 17, 2016
Mythos, Logos, Rhetoric: Session I, Dr Keith Lloyd
Sunday Jan 17, 2016
Sunday Jan 17, 2016
Mythos, Logos, Rhetoric: Session I, Dr Keith Lloyd
Myth: "a set of stories providing explanations of natural phenomena, detailed codes of ethical behavior, and even geographical and technical information." (Jarrat 32)
Logos: " 1) the rational principle behind the whole of creation; 2) the use of rationality make decisions - i.e. logic, dialectic, syllogistic reasoning.
Rhetoric: 1) using persuasive and/or eloquent speech; 2) training in effective debate/persuasion, 3) the study of debate/persuasion.

Monday Jan 11, 2016
“God is . . . Personal” Session IV by Dr. John David Geib
Monday Jan 11, 2016
Monday Jan 11, 2016
Read John 13-17. 14:8-11, 14:16-18, 14:20-23, 14:26, 15:26, 16:7-11, 16:12-15, 1:20-23.
One modern Western way of reading the Bible is to find “propositions” (declarative statements of truth about any state of affairs). Then, from the discovered propositions, inferences are made, conclusions are drawn, formal organized statements of beliefs are created (doctrines).
It is inevitable for the human mind to do this. Another way to interact with the Scriptures is to allow them to become a means by which the reader has an encounter with The Person(s) of God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). The Person centered approach does not deny the Propositional way, rather, it allows the propositions made in Scriptures to become the supernatural ladder by which we climb and interact with God, Person(s) to person.
The writings of John will serve as the introduction to the Person(s) centered approach to the words of God as the means by which we get to know personally (not just about) the Persons of God, and especially Jesus as The Word.

Sunday Jan 03, 2016
“God is . . . Light” Session III by Dr. John David Geib
Sunday Jan 03, 2016
Sunday Jan 03, 2016
One modern Western way of reading the Bible is to find “propositions” (declarative statements of truth about any state of affairs). Then, from the discovered propositions, inferences are made, conclusions are drawn, formal organized statements of beliefs are created (doctrines).
It is inevitable for the human mind to do this. Another way to interact with the Scriptures is to allow them to become a means by which the reader has an encounter with The Person(s) of God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). The Person centered approach does not deny the Propositional way, rather, it allows the propositions made in Scriptures to become the supernatural ladder by which we climb and interact with God, Person(s) to person.
The writings of John will serve as the introduction to the Person(s) centered approach to the words of God as the means by which we get to know personally (not just about) the Persons of God, and especially Jesus as The Word.

Sunday Dec 20, 2015
“God is . . . Love” Session II by Dr. John David Geib
Sunday Dec 20, 2015
Sunday Dec 20, 2015
One modern Western way of reading the Bible is to find “propositions” (declarative statements of truth about any state of affairs). Then, from the discovered propositions, inferences are made, conclusions are drawn, formal organized statements of beliefs are created (doctrines).
It is inevitable for the human mind to do this. Another way to interact with the Scriptures is to allow them to become a means by which the reader has an encounter with The Person(s) of God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). The Person centered approach does not deny the Propositional way, rather, it allows the propositions made in Scriptures to become the supernatural ladder by which we climb and interact with God, Person(s) to person.
The writings of John will serve as the introduction to the Person(s) centered approach to the words of God as the means by which we get to know personally (not just about) the Persons of God, and especially Jesus as The Word.

Sunday Dec 13, 2015
"God is . . . Spirit" Session I by Dr. John David Geib
Sunday Dec 13, 2015
Sunday Dec 13, 2015
One modern Western way of reading the Bible is to find “propositions” (declarative statements of truth about any state of affairs). Then, from the discovered propositions, inferences are made, conclusions are drawn, formal organized statements of beliefs are created (doctrines).
It is inevitable for the human mind to do this. Another way to interact with the Scriptures is to allow them to become a means by which the reader has an encounter with The Person(s) of God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). The Person centered approach does not deny the Propositional way, rather, it allows the propositions made in Scriptures to become the supernatural ladder by which we climb and interact with God, Person(s) to person.
The writings of John will serve as the introduction to the Person(s) centered approach to the words of God as the means by which we get to know personally (not just about) the Persons of God, and especially Jesus as The Word.
Dear Westminster Class:
I made an inadvertent mistake today. I meant to say that certain followers of Islam associate the coming of the Messiah with the coming of Jesus as well, and it will be Jesus that destroys the forces of evil. I appear to have said that certain followers of Islam think that Jesus is the coming Messiah, which I did not mean to say or imply. Thanks for your patience, Agape

Sunday Dec 06, 2015
Dr. T. C. Ham: “The Book of Ruth” Session IV
Sunday Dec 06, 2015
Sunday Dec 06, 2015
Professor T. C. Ham leads the Westminster Class in a four-week study of the Book of Ruth. “The Book of Ruth tells a story of love in a beautiful and compelling way. This series will highlight the literary beauty and complexity of Ruth in order to explore its profound theology.”

Sunday Nov 29, 2015
Dr. T. C. Ham: “The Book of Ruth” Session III
Sunday Nov 29, 2015
Sunday Nov 29, 2015
Professor T. C. Ham leads the Westminster Class in a four-week study of the Book of Ruth. “The Book of Ruth tells a story of love in a beautiful and compelling way. This series will highlight the literary beauty and complexity of Ruth in order to explore its profound theology.”

Sunday Nov 22, 2015
Sunday Nov 22, 2015
he Book of Ruth Session III: Redemption in Ruth and Beyond" - Professor Misheff

Sunday Nov 15, 2015
Dr. T. C. Ham: “The Book of Ruth” Session II
Sunday Nov 15, 2015
Sunday Nov 15, 2015
Professor T. C. Ham leads the Westminster Class in a four-week study of the Book of Ruth. “The Book of Ruth tells a story of love in a beautiful and compelling way. This series will highlight the literary beauty and complexity of Ruth in order to explore its profound theology.”

Sunday Nov 08, 2015
Dr. T. C. Ham: "The Book of Ruth" Session I
Sunday Nov 08, 2015
Sunday Nov 08, 2015
Professor T. C. Ham leads the Westminster Class in a four-week study of the Book of Ruth. “The Book of Ruth tells a story of love in a beautiful and compelling way. This series will highlight the literary beauty and complexity of Ruth in order to explore its profound theology.”

Sunday Nov 01, 2015
Sunday Nov 01, 2015
Zev Rosenberg - Come to the Wedding: Jewish Marriage Rites and the Kingdom of God III.

Sunday Oct 25, 2015
Sunday Oct 25, 2015
Zev Rosenberg - Come to the Wedding: Jewish Marriage Rites and the Kingdom of God

Sunday Oct 18, 2015
Sunday Oct 18, 2015
Zev Rosenberg - Come to the Wedding: Jewish Marriage Rites and the Kingdom of God
1. The background: the relationship of YHWH & Israel as a marriage covenant.
2. In parable: contemporary Jewish marriage rites and the teaching & ministry of Jesus.
3. In the End: the Wedding Feast of the Lamb.

Sunday Sep 27, 2015
Rev. David DeVries - Christian Civility as Elections Approach I.
Sunday Sep 27, 2015
Sunday Sep 27, 2015
Rev. David DeVries - Christian Civility as Elections Approach.

Sunday Sep 13, 2015
Greg Linville - Sports Ministry Around the World
Sunday Sep 13, 2015
Sunday Sep 13, 2015
Greg Linville relays his experience with sports ministry overseas and the persecution of the Christian Church.

Sunday Jun 14, 2015
Rev. Dr. Deborah Rundlett - The Sacramental Life. Session II
Sunday Jun 14, 2015
Sunday Jun 14, 2015
Rev. Dr. Deborah Rundlett - The Sacramental Life. Session II

Sunday Jun 07, 2015
Sunday Jun 07, 2015
Experiencing God
Your image of God creates you. Richard Rohr
Scripture has the ability to move us toward transformation of both the self and history. The challenge is that we often prefer to tackle the text, rather than allowing the text to shape and form us.
As Richard Rohr writes: The low level substitute for this true personal transformation is to settle for automatic and magical "transactions" (do this, don't do that, believe this, practice a certain ritual in this exact way, belong to the right group, etc.). This has allowed untransformed people to think they are much farther along the path than they really are because they perform the right "transactions."
In other words, deep understanding of Scripture cannot happen until you have also experienced God actively and lovingly working in your own life! Then it all begins to make sense. Without experiencing God, Scripture interpretation is often lethal and egocentric, and it becomes false power instead of the vulnerable powerlessness we need to know God.
To further your study:
Read Matthew 14
Study the image of God and Man from the Sistine Chapel.
Study of the crucifixion image of Grunewald above Karl Barth's desk.
Study the Chagal image of God as Trinity.
Study the Rembrandt painting Return of the Prodigal Son.
The paintings of Daniel Bonnell.

Sunday May 31, 2015
Sunday May 31, 2015
"Shadows and Reality: The Letter to The Hebrews in a Postmodern Age IX” taught by Zev Rosenberg & John David Geib

Sunday May 24, 2015
Sunday May 24, 2015
“Shadows and Reality: The Letter to The Hebrews in a Postmodern Age VIII” taught by Zev Rosenberg & John David Geib.
Jesus the Ultimate Example of Faith:
Word + Lamb + New Covenant. Hebrews 11:1-12:13.

Tuesday May 19, 2015
Tuesday May 19, 2015
“Shadows and Reality: The Letter to The Hebrews in a Postmodern Age VII” taught by Zev Rosenberg & John David Geib.

Sunday May 17, 2015
Sunday May 17, 2015
“Shadows and Reality: The Letter to The Hebrews in a Postmodern Age VI” taught by Zev Rosenberg & John David Geib.

Sunday May 03, 2015
Sunday May 03, 2015
“Shadows and Reality: The Letter to The Hebrews in a Postmodern Age V” taught by Zev Rosenberg & John David Geib.
Melchizedek - The first priest.

Sunday Apr 26, 2015
Sunday Apr 26, 2015
“Shadows and Reality: The Letter to The Hebrews in a Postmodern Age IV” taught by Zev Rosenberg & John David Geib.
How does the sacrifice "work"?
- The worshipper "brings near" the animal.
- The worshipper lays hands on the head of the animal and confesses sin. (The innocent animal and the sinful worshipper are joined.
- The worshipper himself kills the animal.
- The priest puts the blood against the altar on all sides..
- The priest burns on the altar the whole animal.
- Disposal of the rest of the carcass

Sunday Apr 19, 2015
Sunday Apr 19, 2015
“Shadows and Reality: The Letter to The Hebrews in a Postmodern Age III” taught by Zev Rosenberg & John David Geib.
Superiority of Jesus to Angels
- Jesus is heir to all the promises to David.
- David himself testifies to the Son's superiority.
- The Son as Creator and Lord is superior to any mere messenger (angellos = messenger) or servant.
- Therefore, revelation by the Son is far superior to revelation by angels.
- We, not angels, are fellow heirs with the Son to the kingdom of God.
Deuteronomy 33:20-24.
Superiority of Jesus to Moses
- Moses was faithful in God's house as a servant.
- Jesus is faithful over God's house as a Son and as the builder.
- We are God's house [hold], and fellow heirs with Christ; Provided - -
- We remain believing.

Sunday Apr 12, 2015
Sunday Apr 12, 2015
“Shadows and Reality: The Letter to The Hebrews in a Postmodern Age” taught by Zev Rosenberg & John David Geib: Session II.
Breaking Out Hebrews 1:1-3
Past revelation, verse 1
- God Spoke
- To our ancestors
- By the prophets
- Long ago
- At many times - to different contexts, to different parts of Judaism: just getting a piece of the picture. None of the prophets had the whole picture or see God clearly.
BUT NOW, verse 2a
- God has spoken
- To us
- In these last days (now in these latter days)
- By His Son - not by prophets, but speaking through a person
The Person of the Son, verse 3:a
- The radiance of the glory of God - appeared to them in light in clouds - that was Jesus himself not in incarnate form.
- The exact imprint of his nature - Jesus perfectly expresses God's own nature. Jesus can therefore speak completely authoritatively.
The work of the Son in creation, verses 2b, 3b
- Through whom God created the world
- Appointed the heir of all things
- He upholds the universe by the word of his power.
The work of the Son in redemption, verse 3c
- Having made purification for sins - by sacrifice through Jesus.
- He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high. Jesus is the great high priest who will intervene for us.

Sunday Apr 05, 2015
Sunday Apr 05, 2015
“Shadows and Reality: The Letter to The Hebrews in a Postmodern Age" taught by Zev Rosenberg & John David Geib.
Four themes:
1. The unchanging Heavenly realm is far more real than the changeable earthly realm.
2. The Earthly realm contains mere copies of the archetypal realities in the Heavenly realm.
3. All earthly events, including those of the "Last Days", are already realized in the Heavenly realm.
4. Allegorical interpretation of Scriptures.

Sunday Mar 29, 2015
Greg Linville, David Kienzle and David de Vries on Celtic Spirituality
Sunday Mar 29, 2015
Sunday Mar 29, 2015
Greg Linville, David Kienzle and David de Vries on Celtic Spirituality. St. Aidan, St. Cuthbert and Lindisfarne. The beautiful Lindisfarne Gospel. The ultimate clash: The Synod of Whithby.

Sunday Mar 22, 2015
Greg Linville, David Kienzle and David de Vries on Celtic Spirituality
Sunday Mar 22, 2015
Sunday Mar 22, 2015
Greg Linville, David Kienzle and David de Vries on Celtic Spirituality. The Book of Kells. Iona. Iona Abbey. St. Colomba. Celtic Cross. St. Patrick.

Sunday Mar 15, 2015
Dr. Greg Linville and Dr. David Kienzle on Celtic Spirituality
Sunday Mar 15, 2015
Sunday Mar 15, 2015
Celtic Spirituality in song and personality and history.

Sunday Feb 22, 2015
Dr. Greg Linville: Barnabas - Mentor to the Apostles IV
Sunday Feb 22, 2015
Sunday Feb 22, 2015
Dr. Greg Linville: Barnabas - Mentor to the Apostles IV.

Sunday Feb 15, 2015
Dr. Greg Linville: Barnabas - Mentor to the Apostles III
Sunday Feb 15, 2015
Sunday Feb 15, 2015
Dr. Greg Linville: Barnabas - Mentor to the Apostles III

Sunday Feb 08, 2015
Dr. Greg Linville: Barnabas - Mentor to the Apostles II
Sunday Feb 08, 2015
Sunday Feb 08, 2015
Dr. Greg Linville: Barnabas - Mentor to the Apostles.

Sunday Feb 01, 2015
Dr. Greg Linville: Barnabas - Mentor to the Apostles I
Sunday Feb 01, 2015
Sunday Feb 01, 2015
Dr. Greg Linville: Barnabas - Mentor to the Apostles I.

Sunday Jan 25, 2015
Dr. Keith Lloyd: New Testament Epistles - History and Literature - Corinth
Sunday Jan 25, 2015
Sunday Jan 25, 2015
Dr. Lloyd teaches on Corinthians.

Sunday Jan 18, 2015
Dr. Keith Lloyd: New Testament Epistles - History and Literature - Galatians
Sunday Jan 18, 2015
Sunday Jan 18, 2015
Dr. Lloyd teaches on Galatians.

Sunday Jan 11, 2015
Dr. Keith Lloyd: New Testament Epistles - History and Literature - Philipi
Sunday Jan 11, 2015
Sunday Jan 11, 2015
Dr. Lloyd teaches on Philippi.

Friday Jan 09, 2015
Dr. Keith Lloyd: New Testament Epistles - History and Literature - Ephesus
Friday Jan 09, 2015
Friday Jan 09, 2015
Dr. Keith Lloyd of Kent State University teaches the Westminster Class on the first of four talks on New Testament Epistles as History and Literature.

Sunday Dec 21, 2014

Sunday Dec 14, 2014
John David Geib: Spiritual Evolution II
Sunday Dec 14, 2014
Sunday Dec 14, 2014
The Metamorphosis of The Cosmic Kids.

Sunday Dec 07, 2014
John David Geib: Spiritual Evolution I
Sunday Dec 07, 2014
Sunday Dec 07, 2014
A vision of God creating the material cosmos as a maternal matrix to bring forth cosmic kids.

Sunday Nov 30, 2014
Sunday Nov 30, 2014
The Telos: Scientific and Sacred Visions of The End of Completion of All Things.

Sunday Nov 23, 2014
Sunday Nov 23, 2014
The wonder of consciousness, self-consciousness, sentience and intelligence - The Logos.

Sunday Nov 16, 2014
Sunday Nov 16, 2014
Reflections on Psalm 90:
Lord, you have been our dwelling place
throughout all generations.
Before the mountains were born
or you brought forth the whole world,
from everlasting to everlasting you are God.
For further study go to the fascinating article "What Is the Best Argument for the Existence of God?": https://answersingenesis.org/is-god-real/what-is-the-best-argument-for-the-existence-of-god/.
St. Augustine The Literal Meaning of Genesis, Book 1, Chapter 19:
39. Usually, even a non-Christian knows something about the earth, the heavens, and the other elements of this world, about the motion and orbit of the stars and even their size and relative positions, about the predictable eclipses of the sun and moon, the cycles of the years and the seasons, about the kinds of animals, shrubs, stones, and so forth, and this knowledge he holds to as being certain from reason and experience. Now, it is a disgraceful and dangerous thing for an infidel to hear a Christian, presumably giving the meaning of Holy Scripture, talking nonsense on these topics; and we should take all means to prevent such an embarrassing situation, in which people show up vast ignorance in a Christian and laugh it to scorn. The shame is not so much that an ignorant individual is derided, but that people outside the household of faith think our sacred writers held such opinions, and, to the great loss of those for whose salvation we toil, the writers of our Scripture are criticized and rejected as unlearned men.
If they find a Christian mistaken in a field in which they themselves know well and hear him maintaining his foolish opinions about our books, how are they going to believe those books in matters concerning the resurrection of the dead, the hope of eternal life, and the kingdom of heaven, when they think their pages are full of falsehoods on facts which they themselves have learnt from experience and the light of reason? Reckless and incompetent expounders of Holy Scripture bring untold trouble and sorrow on their wiser brethren when they are caught in one of their mischievous false opinions and are taken to task by those who are not bound by the authority of our sacred books. For then, to defend their utterly foolish and obviously untrue statements, they will try to call upon Holy Scripture for proof and even recite from memory many passages which they think support their position, although "they understand neither what they say nor the things about which they make assertion."
Academia and the scientific world is positing a moral code, not based on Judeo-Christian worldview, but on the natural process of brain development. Sam Harris, from Columbia University is trying to prove that natural process of brain development leads to a moral code. God does not exist and is not necessary in this view. See http://www.samharris.org/site/full_text/the-science-of-good-and-evil.

Sunday Nov 09, 2014
Sunday Nov 09, 2014
Session II: Perspectives on the Cosmos.

Sunday Nov 02, 2014
Sunday Nov 02, 2014
Session I: Introductory Stories on the Relationship of the Sacred, Science and Selves.

Sunday Oct 26, 2014
Dr. T. C. Ham: The Book of Jonah, Chapter 4
Sunday Oct 26, 2014
Sunday Oct 26, 2014
Dr. T. C. Ham, Assistant Professor of Biblical Studies at Malone University teaches on the Old Testament book of Jonah.

Sunday Oct 19, 2014
Dr. T. C. Ham: The Book of Jonah, Chapter 3
Sunday Oct 19, 2014
Sunday Oct 19, 2014
Dr. T. C. Ham, Assistant Professor of Biblical Studies at Malone University teaches on the Old Testament book of Jonah.

Sunday Oct 12, 2014
Dr. T. C. Ham: The Book of Jonah, Chapter 2
Sunday Oct 12, 2014
Sunday Oct 12, 2014
Dr. T. C. Ham, Assistant Professor of Biblical Studies at Malone University teaches on the Old Testament book of Jonah.

Sunday Oct 12, 2014
Dr. T. C. Ham: The Book of Jonah, Chapter 1
Sunday Oct 12, 2014
Sunday Oct 12, 2014
Dr. T. C. Ham, Assistant Professor of Biblical Studies at Malone University teaches on the Old Testament book of Jonah.

Sunday Sep 28, 2014
Sunday Sep 28, 2014
Pastor de Vries speaks to the theology in Native American Traditions.