
Sunday Oct 14, 2012
Sunday Oct 14, 2012
A close look at the analogy made in the Christian Scriptures between the stages of human development and possible spiritual development. Stages such as new born, infant, adolescent, young adulthood and maturity are used by the apostles to describe analogically similar stages of spiritual development.

Thursday Oct 11, 2012
Tony Campolo: Red Letter Christianity
Thursday Oct 11, 2012
Thursday Oct 11, 2012
Dr. Tony Campolo preaches the sermon at Christ Presbyterian Church on September 30, 2012.

Sunday Sep 30, 2012
Dr. Tony Campolo - The Church in the City
Sunday Sep 30, 2012
Sunday Sep 30, 2012

Wednesday Sep 26, 2012
II. Pastor David de Vries - Future Story
Wednesday Sep 26, 2012
Wednesday Sep 26, 2012
Discussion of Future Story at Christ Presbyterian Church and the inclusion of "Daily Grace" in our lives and Spiritual Gifts. Testimony of Terry Bate to deep spiritual value of daily reading and reflection on the scripture for the week. Know your spiritual story: "Go into all the world . . ." We are storytellers. What is your story?

Sunday Sep 16, 2012
Pastor David de Vries - Future Story: Daily Grace
Sunday Sep 16, 2012
Sunday Sep 16, 2012
Discussion of Future Story at Christ Presbyterian Church and the inclusion of "Daily Grace" in our lives.

Sunday May 20, 2012
Geib: The Dawn of Beyond Blessed Grace - Week VI
Sunday May 20, 2012
Sunday May 20, 2012
Venus and Jesus: A god-Designed Mythic Message for 2012? 1. Venus is cited as an analogy to Jesus or analogous to a Jesus-truth at Revelation 2:28, 22:16, 2 Pet. 1:19, alluding to Num. 24:17. 2. Google Venus and discover all you can about the role of Venus in 2012. 3. Try to synthesize the two realms of Scripture and Science about the role of Venus in 2012.

Sunday May 13, 2012
Geib: The Dawn of Beyond Blessed Grace - Week V
Sunday May 13, 2012
Sunday May 13, 2012
Paradoxes of The First and Second Man 1. Romans 5 and 1Corinthians 15 as many times a seems right, but add Luke 1-2. 2. Paradox, J.D. Geib (Note: Due to technical difficulties, there is a problem with the sound for the first five minutes or so of the class.)

Sunday May 06, 2012
Geib: The Dawn of Beyond Blessed Grace - Week IV
Sunday May 06, 2012
Sunday May 06, 2012
Paradoxes of the First and Second Man 1. Romans 5 and Corinthians 15 as many times as seems right. 2. Paradox, J.D. Geib.

Sunday May 06, 2012
Geib: The Dawn of Beyond Blessed Grace - Week III
Sunday May 06, 2012
Sunday May 06, 2012
Grace and Beyond Blessed Grace 1. Read Romans 1-5 as many times as seems right.

Sunday Apr 22, 2012
Geib: The Dawn of Beyond Blessed Grace - Week II
Sunday Apr 22, 2012
Sunday Apr 22, 2012
"Myth Became Fact" from Paul, Tolkien and Lewis 1. Paul in Athens, Acts 17:16-34 2. "Myth became Fact", C.S. Lewis, in God in The Dock, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/God_in_the_Dock. 3. "On Farie Tales", J.R.R. Tolkien, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/On_Fairy-Stories. Dr. John David Geib - The Logos Institute

Sunday Apr 15, 2012
Geib: The Dawn of Beyond Blessed Grace - Week I
Sunday Apr 15, 2012
Sunday Apr 15, 2012
A Journey from the Mythic Eleusian Mysteries and Plato's Cave To Jesus' Message about Wheat to The Greeks Voluntary Readings 1. John 12:20-33 2. After class, Google Eleusian Mysteries http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elesinian_Mysteries or read about them. 3. Try to synthesize this Greco material with John 12:20-33. Dr. John David Geib - The Logos Institute

Sunday Apr 01, 2012
“Father, Forgive: Moonlight Sonata” - Andrew Hubsch Week V
Sunday Apr 01, 2012
Sunday Apr 01, 2012
"Early this Christmas morning, here under these ruins, in the lovely little stone chapel built 600 years ago, we began the day with our Christmas communion, worshiping the Christ, as joyfully as ever before. What we want to tell the world is this: that with Christ born again in our hearts today, we are trying, hard as it may be, to banish all thoughts of revenge. We are going to try to make a kinder, simpler, a more Christ-Child-like sort of world in the days beyond this strife." Provost R.T. Howard

Sunday Apr 01, 2012
“Father, Forgive: Our Bright Star is Cast” - Andrew Hubsch Week IV
Sunday Apr 01, 2012
Sunday Apr 01, 2012
“While my brother worked at his musical setting, I paced back and forth on the front porch, repeating the lines over and over to myself, going through all the agony and ecstasy of creating. As I worked through the opening and middle lines of the last stanza, I could not keep back the tears, and made no effort to do so. I was experiencing the transports of the poet’s ecstasy. Feverish ecstasy was followed by that contentment — that sense of serene joy — which makes artistic creation the most complete of all human experiences. When I had out the last stanza down on paper, I at once recognized the Kiplingesque touch in the two longer lines; but I knew that in the stanza the American Negro was, historically and spiritually, immanent; and I decided to let it stand as written.”

Sunday Mar 18, 2012
Sunday Mar 18, 2012
Abraham Lincoln “We are indeed going through a fiery trial. In the very responsible position in which I happen to be placed, being a humble instrument in the hands of our Heavenly Father, as I am, to work out His great purposes, I have desired that all my acts may be according to His will, and that it might be so I have sought His aid; but if, after endeavoring to do my best in the light which He affords me, I find my efforts fail, I must believe that for some purpose unknown to me He wills it otherwise. If I had had my way, this war would never have been commenced. If I had been allowed my way, this war would have been ended before this; but we find it still continues, and we must believe that He permits it for some wise purpose of His own, mysterious and unknown to us; and though with our limited understandings we may not be able to comprehend it, yet we cannot but believe that He who made the world still governs it.” — October 26, 1862

Sunday Mar 11, 2012
Sunday Mar 11, 2012
George Fox / William Edmundson: early Quakers ask, “Why then the Negroe?” Francis Daniel Pastorius / Gerhard Hendricks / Abraham Op den Graeff / Dirck Op den Graeff: in 1688, four Deutsch émigrés proclaim equality under God William Wilberforce: Britain’s pioneering abolitionist Invisible Children - KONY 2012 campaign: across the Internet comes a global appeal against injustice “We are against the traffick of men Body: Is there any that would be done or handled at this manner, to be sold or made a slave for all the time of his life? Most Negers are brought hither against their will & consent; many of them are stolen. Now, tho’ they are black, we cannot conceive there is more liberty to have them slaves, as it is to have other white ones. That we shall do to all men, like as we will be done our selves; making no difference of what generation, descent, or Colour they are. Here is liberty of Conscience, wch is right & reasonable; here ought to be likewise liberty of ye body, except of evildoers. But to bring men hither, or to rob and sell them against their will, we stand against. In Europe there are many oppressed for Conscience sake; and here there are those oppressed wch are of a black Colour.”

Sunday Mar 04, 2012
"Father, Forgive: Into the Lions' Den" - Andrew Hubsch Week I
Sunday Mar 04, 2012
Sunday Mar 04, 2012
Ho Feng-Shan: the Confucian Lutheran procures deliverance for all whom ask. Hugh Grimes, Fred Collard: the Anglican clerics disobey Canterbury to offer salvation to Jews. Dietrich Bonhoeffer: the shepherd risks life and limb to save his Augsburg flock, gone astray. Rufus M. Jones, D. Robert Yarnall, George Walton: the Quaker emissaries pray for a miracle inside the Gestapo's Berlin lair.

Sunday Feb 26, 2012
“The Bible as Literature and History” Week Four - Dr. Keith S. Lloyd
Sunday Feb 26, 2012
Sunday Feb 26, 2012
Dr. Keith S. Lloyd, Phd., a Kent State University professor of English leads the class in a discussion of the Bible as Literature and history.

Sunday Feb 19, 2012
“The Bible as Literature and History” Week Three - Dr. Keith S. Lloyd
Sunday Feb 19, 2012
Sunday Feb 19, 2012
Dr. Keith S. Lloyd, Phd., a Kent State University professor of English leads the class in a discussion of the Bible as Literature and history.

Sunday Feb 12, 2012
"The Bible as Literature and History" Week Two - Dr. Keith S. Lloyd
Sunday Feb 12, 2012
Sunday Feb 12, 2012
Dr. Keith S. Lloyd, Phd., a Kent State University professor of English leads the class in a discussion of the Bible as Literature and history.

Sunday Jan 29, 2012
“Knowing the Will of God” Week 4 - Dr. Greg Linville
Sunday Jan 29, 2012
Sunday Jan 29, 2012
This is the fourth of a four week series of classes on "Knowing the Will of God" taught by Dr. Greg Linville.

Sunday Jan 29, 2012
“Knowing the Will of God” Week 3 - Dr. Greg Linville
Sunday Jan 29, 2012
Sunday Jan 29, 2012
This is the Third of a four week series of classes on "Knowing the Will of God" taught by Dr. Greg Linville.

Sunday Jan 15, 2012
"Knowing the Will of God" Week 2 - Dr. Greg Linville
Sunday Jan 15, 2012
Sunday Jan 15, 2012
This is the second of a four week series of classes on "Knowing the Will of God" taught by Dr. Greg Linville.

Sunday Jan 15, 2012
"Knowing the Will of God" Week 1 - Dr. Greg Linville
Sunday Jan 15, 2012
Sunday Jan 15, 2012
This is the first of a four week series of classes on "Knowing the Will of God" taught by Dr. Greg Linville.